MAPA is putting together their 2019-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and is asking for public input on two projects that will be proposed for the final year of the program that qualify for the federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Transportation Alternatives (TAP) are federally funded, community-based projects that expand travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by integrating modes and improving the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure. Any questions or comments that people have should be sent to
First Project is one we have raised awareness about in the past, and that is the addition of a multi-use bridge to the US Hwy 34/75 over the Platte River on the border between Sarpy and Cass Counties. Currently, pedestrians and cyclists can share the current bridge with automobiles. After a planned expansion of the road, the highway will be designated a freeway, and people walking or riding bikes will not legally be allowed to share the space with people driving motor vehicles.
Details of the multi-use bridge project over the Platte River at US Hwy 34/75 – click for larger view
Second proposed project is an exciting effort to make active transportation modes work better together. The $200,000 project will add meaningful way finding to the Omaha trail network that will help people walking or riding bikes connect with Metro transit as well as the immediate environment surrounding areas where the trail intersects the road network.
Details of the bus-to-trail directional signs project that will help to meaningfully connect the Metro transit network with the Omaha trail network — click for larger view
One, minor note on nomenclature: Mode Shift does not consider walking, riding a bike or using public transportation to be an “alternative” for no other reason than the fact that, for some, these active modes of transportation are the primary means of getting around. Please let MAPA know if you have any questions or comments about these projects by sending an e-mail to