Here are some upcoming events and action items. Please participate!
First, please take this poll to let us know when you can meet for the next Mode Shift Omaha meeting.
Plan to attend two really IMPORTANT workshops (attend one or both):
Friday, Oct 18: Navigating MAP-21 Workshop, learn more about the new federal transportation bill and its impact on biking and walking in our region.
8:00 am to 3:30 pm, University of Nebraska Omaha, Thompson Alumni Center (map here, bldg. # 25 on west end of Dodge campus), Go here for more info & to register (for free).
Saturday, Oct 19, Advocacy Campaign Workshop, with guidance from the Advocacy Advance team, advocates will learn how to build and start planning a campaign to support bicycling and walking.
9:00 am to 12:00 pm, University of Nebraska at Omaha, CPACS Building Collaborating Commons, Room 132D. Go here for more info & to register (for free).
And other transportation-related events:
- Now, on Engage Omaha, give your input on “How can we make our community a 21st century city?”
- Sep. 20, Park(ing) Day, all day.
- Sep. 26, Jeff Speck Lecture on Walkable City, 2:30 – 4:30pm, Creighton University Harper Center (602 North 20th St). Jeff Speck will discuss his book, Walkable City. Go here for more info & to RSVP.
- Sep. 26 (last Thur of the month), Pedal Happy Potluck, starts at 7pm at the Omaha Bicycle Company (6015 Maple St.). Bring food and/or drinks to share along with ideas for bike-specific advocacy.
- Sep. 26, E-Bikes: A New Transportation Future, 6pm, First United Methodist Church. Organized by the Sierra Club-Nebraska Chapter. More info here.
- Sep. 27, Heartland Active Transportation Summit: Parking for Livable Communities, starting at 8:30am at the Swanson Conference Center in Metro Community College’s Institute for the Culinary Arts building. Speakers include Jeff Speck, noted urban planner and author of the recently-published Walkable City, and Casey Jones, Director of Transportation and Parking at Boise State University, as well as several other local and national parking experts. For more info and to register, go to:
**Please note: We will NOT have a transportation coffee chat in September because we’ll be attending HATS.