Mode Shift Omaha advocates for transportation options that enhance quality of life and opportunities to live, work, and play.

We achieve our mission through education and engagement with members and the public, influencing policies and decision-making related to transportation and land use design, and monitoring transportation policies and plans and their implementation.

We value safety, transparency, democratic engagement, and equality for all transportation users.

Our vision is a city where anybody can: Safely and efficiently walk, cycle, take public transit, or choose other sustainable and less costly modes of transportation; have a say, through democratic and transparent processes, in how the city and streets are designed and funded; and experience a high quality of life.

We seek board members who are passionate about our mission, vision, and values.

Board members perform the following duties:

  • Attend monthly board meetings (second Wednesday of each month) and when possible monthly member meetings (fourth Wednesday each month) and other events
  • Guide the direction of the organization and its policies and programs
  • Build the organization’s capacity by leading efforts to engage members and others in the community
  • Ensure and protect adequate financial and human resources for the organization
  • Select and support a board chair, vice-chair and secretary/treasurer
  • Improve the board, its coordination, and activities
  • Ensure the legal, ethical integrity, and transparency of the organization
  • Help enhance the organization’s public standing and garner community support toward achieving the organization’s mission and vision.

Note that demographic questions and the question about specific expertise are all optional. 

If you have any questions, please email  
If you would prefer to fill out and submit this info by PDF, use this link to access a PDF:  

Mode Shift Omaha is devoted to fair representation based on origin. Your response is appreciated.
Which category best describes your race? (One or more categories may be marked). Mode Shift Omaha is devoted to fair representation based on race. Your response is appreciated.
If you selected "let me type", add your preferred pronouns here.
Mode Shift Omaha is devoted to fair representation based on age. Your response is appreciated.
..................................................................................................................................................................... Select areas of skills/expertise that you have:
Briefly list any other areas of relevant skills/experiences
What skills, talents and/or special resources do you have that will contribute to MSO? You could provide more context for areas of expertise you selected above and/or list additional skills & resources you could bring to the board. Be brief.
Mode Shift Omaha Board of Directors is a working board that meets monthly and requires some additional work between meetings. Average commitment would be 2-5 hours per month. Could you commit to this amount of work?
- select Working board commitment -
MSO is committed to transportation equality in the Omaha Metro area for many years to come. Initial board terms require at least a two-year commitment. What term are you willing to serve?
- select Board term commitment -

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