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Mode Shift Omaha advocates for transportation options that enhance quality of life and opportunities to live, work, and play. We achieve our mission through education and engagement with members and the public, influencing policies and decision-making related to transportation and land use design, and monitoring transportation policies and plans and their implementation. We value safety, transparency, democratic engagement, and equality for all transportation users. Our vision is a city where anybody can: Safely and efficiently walk, cycle, take public transit, or choose other sustainable and less costly modes of transportation; have a say, through democratic and transparent processes, in how the city and streets are designed and funded; and experience a high quality of life. We seek board members who are passionate about our mission, vision, and values. Board members perform the following duties:
Note that demographic questions and the question about specific expertise are all optional.
If you have any questions, please email info@modeshiftomaha.org. If you would prefer to fill out and submit this info by PDF, use this link to access a PDF: https://modeshiftomaha.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Microsoft-Word-MSO-board-app.pdf
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