Mode Shift Omaha|

We have good news! Our advocacy resulted in change and we’re grateful for your help! The proposed Parks Rules that would have banned trail use between the hours of 11pm and 5am were not approved by City Council Tuesday. Instead, they’ve been laid over for two weeks so the new Parks Director can rewrite them to ensure that trails are accessible for transportation 24/7! Thanks to everyone who wrote in to encourage your City Councilor to support this change. We had 5 MSO members testify in support of trails remaining open!

Speaking of trails, we have some information to share on current closures and construction projects. Download the trails update below and check out the suggested detour along the Happy Hollow Boulevard Trail. Initially they thought the work would be complete by the end of May but it’s now been pushed back to the end of June.

A map of a trail detour just north of Dodge Street along Happy Hollow Boulevard. The normal trail on the west side of Happy Hollow is shown with a dotted red line since it's closed. The detour is in yellow on the east side of the street.

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