We’re helping spread the word about an upcoming event gathering feedback on some issues at an intersection that Mode Shift Omaha has brought attention to previously: 52nd & Radial! This is the dangerous spot near Benson High that pushed us to rally for a Vision Zero plan in Omaha, and due to our advocacy, Omaha hired its first Vision Zero Coordinator, Jeff Sobczyk. While we haven’t heard much from him so far, he is currently working on an action plan!
So, how can you share your thoughts on this area’s safety issues? Join an upcoming virtual event on October 20th, or submit your thoughts on your own time using the survey.
Metropolitan Area Planning Agency (MAPA) is partnering with the City of Omaha, the Nebraska Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, the Benson Neighborhood Association, the Benson Business Improvement District, and other partners to host a Block Talk for the area around 52nd Street and NW Radial Highway in Benson, near Benson High School, Monroe Middle School and Gallagher Park.
Block Talks help communities understand the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users in a specific area and identify projects, programs and policies to make improvements and increase safety.
Register now to attend the virtual facilitated walk event on Wednesday, October 20th from 6-7:30 pm.
During the event, project staff and stakeholders will take you on a virtual walk through the study area and record your questions and comments.
Registration is required. https://tinyurl.com/3apyfh8v
TAKE THE SURVEY if you can’t join virtually on the 20th. (You know how we love surveys!)
If you prefer to provide feedback at your own convenience, visit the online StoryMap anytime before October 29th and share the concerns you have when walking, biking or using transit in the study area! https://bit.ly/3EPXzsr
[…] 10/20 6pm – Benson Block Talk. Event gathering feedback on some issues at an intersection that Mode Shift Omaha has brought attention to previously: 52nd & Radial! More info and Zoom registration at Mode Shift Omaha. […]