Credit: Geoff DeOld
The Omaha Municipal Code states that it shall be the duty of the occupant, as well as the duty of the owner, of any lot or land or real estate in the city, to clear all ice and snow from the sidewalks adjoining the said lot, land, or real estate within 24 hours after the city has declared that snow removal operations on the city’s major streets are complete.
Our goal with this program is to bring more awareness to the city code and help ensure that more people can walk safely to their destinations in the winter.
Here’s what you can do to help
- Set a good example — shovel & remove ice from your own sidewalks.
- Make sure the corners are cleared–having to climb over a pile of snow to cross the street or get on the bus is dangerous. Snow build-ups make it impossible for people using walkers or wheelchairs to get around safely.
- Put down salt, ice melt or other substance to get rid of slippery spots.
- Post your cleared sidewalk photos on our Facebook page or Tweet it to us using hashtag #omahasafesidewalks
- Thank your neighbors for clearing their sidewalks. Download and print these cards (print double-sided) to give to your neighbors to thank them for shoveling.
- Help out your neighbor, especially if they are older or have some other impediment that keeps them from being able to shovel. It’s the neighborly thing to do!
- Many businesses and households don’t know they are responsible for clearing their sidewalks–let them know by printing off these cards and giving one to them.
- You can also share this information sheet with neighbors, businesses, or community leaders.
- If all else fails, report uncleared sidewalks to the City of Omaha (or to Bellevue or Sarpy County).
- Thank you for clearing your sidewalks card (print double-sided)
- Please clear your sidewalks card (print double-sided)
- Keep sidewalks safe for people walking this winter information sheet
- City of Omaha Parks, Recreation and Public Property Snow Removal Plan
- City of Omaha Public Works snow removal information