Our Coffee Chat this month is bringing together a number of community members, some new to us and some of whom we have spoken with in the past. So, rather than post our usual Five Questions highlighting our guest, we’ve put together a post introducing the topic.
This Friday, at our March, 2019 Coffee Chat, we will be discussing a project entitled, “North 24th Street Corridor Housing Market & Multimodal Transportation Study” initiated by the city. This study seeks to identify commercial and residential solutions for the North 24th Street Corridor. From the RFP:
Much of the corridor experienced a long period of decline in housing stock, decreasing numbers of households, increasing poverty, and consequent loss of commercial activity. New residential and commercial development in recent decades has been dependent on subsidized investment. While such development has resulted in physical improvements to housing stock and attracted somewhat more moderate income households, it has not provided sufficient disposable and discretionary income in the geographic area necessary to sustain growing economic and commercial vitality.
Project RFP Document

Study Area is a corridor bounded by 20th Street and US-75, from Cuming Street to Ames Avenue
Our Coffee Chat will bring together members of the community with other project stakeholders to discuss how this study can benefit the community and what the impacts will be with regard to active transportation options that allow people along the corridor to live, work and play. One of the exciting intersections this study has with Mode Shift’s current work is the focus on “Missing Middle” housing. We are looking forward to learning more about the proposals that have been submitted and how the selection process is moving along. Join us at the Scooters on 30th and Ames at 8 a.m., grab a coffee and a pastry and get engaged with the changing landscape for transportation planning and implementation.
Link to N24 study only showed the Midtown 24th project