Perspectives: Car-centric focus limits citizen choice

Need for Choice, Perspectives|

A Midlands Voices op-ed appeared in today’s OWH, coauthored by Craig Moody of V.O.I.C.E. and Kevin... Read More Perspectives: Car-centric focus limits citizen choice

Perspectives: Transportation choice at home and away


I’ve long enjoyed having choices in how to get around. Transportation choice makes travel and tourism... Read More Perspectives: Transportation choice at home and away

Take me out to the ball game, not to the cleaners!


In case you are quietly panicking over how you’re going to get to and from the College World Series... Read More Take me out to the ball game, not to the cleaners!


Mode Shift Omaha|

Welcome to Mode>>Shift Omaha.  We are a group of citizens interested in the future of urban... Read More Welcome!

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