shows a section of trail closure with a red and black line on the Big Papio Trail from Dodge Street south to near Pacific Street

Trail Detour Petition

Bicycling, Causes, Mode Shift Omaha, Safety, Take Action, Trails|

If you have ridden or walked on Omaha trails recently you may have noticed that there are many trail... Read More Trail Detour Petition

image of roundabout in Boston with a center circle of brick and inner circle of trees surrounded by historic homes.

Farnam won’t be two-ways because of misinformation 

Safety, Street Design|

Mode Shift was saddened and concerned about the comments from opponents to the proposed Farnam roundabouts on... Read More Farnam won’t be two-ways because of misinformation 

image of proposed roundabout at 52nd and Farnam streets with a green circle in the middle of the intersection and concrete islands in the middle of each street leading into the roundabout.

Petition in Support of 2-way Farnam with Roundabouts

Community Outreach, Safety, Street Design, Take Action|

Petition text: I support roundabouts on Farnam Street at 50th Street and 52nd Street to slow traffic, improve... Read More Petition in Support of 2-way Farnam with Roundabouts

image of proposed roundabout at 52nd and Farnam streets with a green circle in the middle of the intersection and concrete islands in the middle of each street leading into the roundabout.

In Support of Roundabouts on Farnam Street: Reducing crashes is not good enough 

Safety, Street Design, Walking|

Mode Shift Omaha’s board is writing to express our support of replacing four way lights with roundabouts on... Read More In Support of Roundabouts on Farnam Street: Reducing crashes is not good enough 

screenshot from YouTube of Connect Omaha active mobility plan intro slide. Icons of: person walking, skateboard, person in a wheelchair, scooter, and a bicycle.

March Meeting Recap: Kevin Carder on Omaha’s Active Mobility Plan

Bicycling, Safety, Street Design, Transportation Master Plan, Walking|

Kevin Carder, City Planner with the City of Omaha, attended Mode Shift’s March Membership Meeting to... Read More March Meeting Recap: Kevin Carder on Omaha’s Active Mobility Plan

March Newsletter: happy hr, Active Mobility Master Plan update & more

Mode Shift Emails, Newsletters|

... Read More March Newsletter: happy hr, Active Mobility Master Plan update & more

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