Google Transit Comes to Omaha

Need for Choice, Transit|

Metro (Transit Authority for the City of Omaha) had entered a new and exciting phase of information... Read More Google Transit Comes to Omaha

Public Hearings for Metro Fare Increase

Take Action, Transit|

The Transit Authority for the City of Omaha (Metro) is holding three public hearings this week to present... Read More Public Hearings for Metro Fare Increase

Great New Look for Metro Schedules

Perspectives, Transit|

Over the last year, since Metro Area Transit (ol’ Uncle MAT) rebranded their service as Metro, the... Read More Great New Look for Metro Schedules

Wild Ride on Omaha’s Metro

Perspectives, Transit|

In our continuing examination of Omaha’s Metro Route 22, and its bizarre bus stops, we examine this... Read More Wild Ride on Omaha’s Metro

Bus Stop of the Day

Perspectives, Transit|

For for a multi-modal transportation system to work well (one where people have the easy option to drive... Read More Bus Stop of the Day

Take me out to the ball game, not to the cleaners!


In case you are quietly panicking over how you’re going to get to and from the College World Series... Read More Take me out to the ball game, not to the cleaners!

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